My previous website – www.stcuthbertshouse.co.uk – is outdated now, and I can no longer edit it. So I will be closing it down. This is a few of the most visited pages that seem worth keeping as an archive. For the most part I have just taken screenshots of the pages of the old website. To my aged eyes, the type seems a little blurry so I apologise if you find that to be the case as well. I found using the magnify function on my screen very helpful! Some of the links do work – definitely those in the media lists as I have checked them all – but the links embedded in the images probably will not. If you can’t get something to work then just move on … life is short.
I will leave my orders account with Paypal open a little bit longer to catch any stragglers who have not read this yet, but, generally, I am not taking orders anymore. Thank you for all your custom, and especially for your contributions to the local foodbank over the last 5 years.

Who was St Cuthbert?
About the Hermitage

Reports and photos
These are a few media reports which still exist in the ether.
- Heart and Soul: BBC World Service Spring 2020
SCH contributed to a short series entitled REFLECTIONS ON FAITH IN A GLOBAL CRISIS: Specially chosen contributors reflect on the situation the whole world is dealing with amidst a global pandemic.
The first programme explores community: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct0t1d
The second programme is about prayer: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct0t25;
All the programmes in the series are well worth a listen – lots of simple, practical, profound ideas.
Music used in the community broadcast is IN KILNSEA by singer songwriter Tim Eveleigh. timeveleigh.co.uk
- Really lovely, warm article about SCH on BBC website as part of their run-up to Christmas (Bethan Bell).
- 2015 was the year of Reuters, in the person of a young independent photo journalist (Neil Hall) who hoped to be able to offer the story to Head Office in Singapore. He was prepared to duck & dive around my most debilitating treatments and eventually produced a mash-up of hermitage highlights in which Mrs Hennypenny is pleased to be playing a starring role.
See images here. - The Independent newspaper followed up with their own article here
- And the BBC World service here (the photo and strapline on the BBC website are from another article –
the hermitage feature is from 37 mins onwards) - One to One with John McCarthy: This is one of a series of interviews undertaken by John McCartney exploring the theme of being the “outsider” . He reflects on his experience as a hostage whilst exploring the life of hermitage.
- Richard McIlroy from the BBC Radio 4 programme Sunday, requested an interview in 2012. It is available here as on YouTube with kind permission of the BBC.
- Carlo Bevilacqua, an Italian photographer, contacted me in 2011 to ask if he could visit to take photos for his project Into the Silence: Hermits of the Third Millennium. He also taught me how to make tortilla!
- Wellcome Trust. These are pre-plinth and post-plinth interviews associated with the Anthony Gormley project in Trafalgar Square, London in summer 2009 which I was invited to participate in.
- Solemn Profession: Articles by Jason Hippisley (of the Rasen Mail) and Frank Gould