Welcome to St Cuthbert’s House, home of a canonical hermit: diocese of Hallam, UK.

The hermit is simply a pioneer … in the way of the desert which the whole of humanity must follow of necessity one day, each one according to their own measure and desire. This eremitical vocation, at least embryonically, is to be found in every Christian vocation …  it is necessary that the Church and society do something so that this may be realizable,  so that each may at least touch it, be it only with the tip of their little finger.

 (Benedictine Raphael  Vernay: On the Desert Place of the Inner Sanctuary, 1974).   

6 thoughts on “Welcome to St Cuthbert’s House, home of a canonical hermit: diocese of Hallam, UK.

    1. Thanks Steven – good to hear from you. Yes this is a public space, so only write on here what you are comfortable sharing in that way.

      Hope you are coping. God is with us.

      Rachel +

  1. Interesting article. I agree that the Church (ie local Parishes etc) should do more to facilitate c603, but only a little more, not too much, because if I’m not mistaken, c603 reads a little like a un-written constitution, and over doing it may have the affect of writing some of us out of the scheme of things.

    Sr. Laurel (Er.Dio) of Stillsong Hermitage: Oakland CA USA seems to have a lot to say on the extreme of the other hand with those who have ‘uses and abuses’ ie abused c603 in the Catholic Parishes of the US.

    Personally, after so many years attempting my own hermitage, which I have a name for, I found sanctuary when I was enrolled into the Brown Scapular. I read from The Little Office of The Blessed Virgin Mary and I recite the Rosary everyday and read from parts from scripture/related books by night all while being employed full-time.

    It was The Brown Scapular that gave me the dimension, ie the spirituality, the rule, I was looking for and much needed.

    I’m not sure society should do anything but I do feel indebt to the likes of youselves who have gone through things via a formal route.

    Let’s face it. You are like pearls, rare and hard to find and thank you and Sr Laurel for being there.

    In Christ through The Immaculate Heart of Mary. God Bless!

    1. Hello Julian. Thanks for your comment – apologies it has taken me so long to reply! I only just worked out how the messaging works on WordPress. I should point out that I can only respond if I approve (and publish) your comment – so let me know if you would rather not.

      St Laurel’s website https://notesfromstillsong.blogspot.com/ is excellent. She writes very clearly and on a vast range of C603 and other aspects of the eremitical life. I use her blog like an encyclopaedia!

      It sounds like your own eremitical experiences and way of life suit you well. God is blessing you in these ways. Let us pray for each other.

      Rachel +

      1. Dear Rachel,

        How are you? Thank you for your response I’m glad and happy for it and if you desire, please publish my comments.

        I’m so happy to know that you know Sister O’ Neal. I’m also very happy to see so many lively comments from other hermits too. God Bless You All!

        All these comments only goes to prove that the hermit cannot easily be forgotten or be simply relegated to books of ancient history or some fairytale. Indeed it only strengthens me and many others to know that hermits still exist for the sake of Christ.

        You are unique pioneers for Christ and a much needed renaissance. You have the right to exist as much as anyone else does in the current era of the Pilgrim Church. So Christ bless the hermits and virgins to be and for the future to come.

        As for my so-called Hermitage, I named it: ‘The Hermitage of the Dormition of the Mother of God and The Sleepers of Ephesus’ and without wishing to sound morbid, I chose that name because I wish to eventually sleep in the same way, ie ‘full of grace’. For personal reasons, St. Benedict Joseph Labre is its patron saint.
        I’m not sure I will ever make a professed Er. Dio, he he! I’m not sure if I should but in its simplistic terms, the Brown Scapular has given me the flexible rule I needed most. Sometimes I contemplate the family life only for my inner child to remind me of The Christ.

        So it is by enduring, loving and suffering with Christ we get to know and love Christ more and more through His living word.

        BTW: Rachel, I always will pray for you and I always conclude my night prayer with ‘for all the people I know and don’t know here and abroad, and all their generations, past, present, and future’.
        (I wrote this prayer myself)

        I pray for you always and I pray that your health and days increase. In Christ’s Love. Amen.

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